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Pornodienstag (public sex) im Babylon bei Köln

Also ich wäre dabei. Bin aber nicht so oft im Babylon. Soll man sich vor dem Besuch irgendwie bei euch melden?
Da wir die Aktion ohne Fotografiermodus machen, sollte man vor einer öffentlichen Session kurz die Hausdame aufsuchen und Bescheid geben, dass man jetzt einen kleinen Dreier, Vierer usw. startet. Bis das alle HDs wissen, kann das ein bisschen dauern, aber wir kriegen das hin. :D
Hab mich vorhin telefonisch bei der Hausdame nach dem Event erkundigt...sie wusste von nichts und sprach von Fakenews! Kann jemand für Aufklärung sorgen?
Siehe oben, da steht:

Bis das alle HDs wissen, kann das ein bisschen dauern, aber wir kriegen das hin.
Der Entfernung geschuldet bin ich nicht so oft im Bab.

Würde es aber einrichten können an einen Dienstag ins Bab zu kommen.

Vielleicht können an einem bestimmten Dienstag mehrere Mitstecher abstimmen und dann eine geile öffentliche Sexyparty veranstalten.
Ich wäre dabei wenn der Termin passt.
In den letzten Wochen soll es Dienstags immer recht viele Herren im Haus gegeben haben; evtl. spricht sich der Pornodienstag ja langsam herum. Bei den Damen hat es sich allerdings noch nicht herumgesprochen, dazu bräuchte es dann Eure Hilfe... ich bin auch fleissig dabei die Werbetrommel zu rühren.


Evtl. sieht man sich also morgen am Pool (zu) :D
Wenn ich es richtig gesehen habe waren letzten Dienstag ja auch so wenig Damen wie in der ganzen Woche nicht da!
Schade auch...
Für nächsten Dienstag soll ich Euch eine Ansage machen bzw. von Bibi und Claudia ausrichten, dass sie gerne den ganzen Pornodienstag lang ausgiebig rangenommen werden wollen; möglichst einmal quer durch den ganzen Club und zurück. Es werden also standfeste Probanten gesucht, die die beiden Damen u.a. hier rannehmen, nageln, vögeln, stoßen, auslecken, durchziehen:


An der Bar im Clubraum
gegenüber auf der Sitzgruppe
eeiter hinten im dunklen Eck
auf dem runden Polster vor dem Video
alternativ auch direkt am Eingang, damit neue Gäste direkt wissen was abgeht an einem Pornodienstag im Babylon.


Wie immer an Pornodienstagen gibt es bei öffentlichem Verkehr mit zwei Mädels gleichzeitig eine Bonuskarte oben drauf, die man sich mit den Mädels zusammen bei der Hausdame abholen geht.
I don't think this concept of "Pornodienstagen" is working, I have not seen much public sex on Tuesdays lately...
I suggest to try something like they are doing at the Globe club in Zurich. They have public sex on Tuesday between 2 and 9 pm. The doors of the rooms stay closed during this time! I was there last Tuesday and it was great! There was a lot of action and many people. I heard that they have more people on these days than any other weekdays. It works very well and I think this would work as good for Babylon! I'm sure many guys will come to Babylon on Tuesday with such a program.
We are in Kaiserreich Deutschland! Here the doors have to be closed! The concept of Porno Dienstag is a hint for visitors to act and not a program.
It makes no sense to try to force people to act in a certain way. The club should offer something, but the decision has to be taken freely by the guests and the girls. The way it is handled now, with this offering on Tuesday is ok. Everyone can choose what he or she prefer.

If people are forced to have sex in public, the club will just see different kind of clients and girls coming to the club. But I am sure, the total number will be much less than today.

If there is less public sex on Tuesdays, than this has a reason.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I think that both Sailor and Howdy are right. On one hand, the concept of "Spanner & Voyeure" Dienstag in Globe is really nice.
I like that concept and when in Zurich on Tuesdays I will always try and visit Globe between 14:00 and 21:00.

On the other hand, Sailor and the Admin are right when saying that one cannot and should not force people to act in a certain way.

However, I don't think that a "spanner & voyeure" theme during some time slots of the week is forcing people to act in a certain way.
On the contrary, it might attract people that like the concept.
As well the ones that like to give public action as the ones that want to watch public action, and as a result of that might become interested in participating in the public action too.
That' s what you sometimes see in swingerclubs too. No obligations, free choice, but you know what can and will happen.

So for the ones that like to perform public action ( and maybe get a reward / discount / free entry /... ) this could be a nice initiative, but also for tha ones that just want to watch pubic action, those "theme" timeslots might be a real good reason to visit the club.
As well in Babylon as in other clubs where I've seen some public action, it's clear that there are quite some men interested in watching the action, but most of the time feel a little reluctant. You can see that e.g. in te kino and downstairs at teh room with a window where men just are just taking a quick look, but never really "watch" the public action. I guess that this is because they're not sure whether the ones giving the public action like to be watched. That problem would be solved with these "spanner & voyeure" theme timeslots.

I like to watch some public action because it quite often turns me on ( and as a result increases the likelihood for me to take an additional session, and as a result for the girls and club to have some additional revenue ), but at the same time it' s also some form of pre-sales for the girls where you can then really see the "performance" of a girl ( instead of reading about it or having to rely on what the girl tells you durin her pre-sales ) and decide to have a session with her afterwards. On the other hand I don't mind giving public action and if colelagues enjoy watching, they're free to do so, but I noticed quite often that colleagues are quite reluctant to watch, even when there's public action just next to them.

Bottom line : I think that one or more "spanner & voyeure" time slots during the week are something worth trying in babylon. Maybe initially on some calmer days like Monday or Tuesday ( to attract some more people) and evaluate after a couple of weeks to see whether it's successful. or not.
But I assume this "spanner and yoyeure" theme is already established in Babylon. The Tuesday is a day were people can have an extra reward if they have sex in public. If I understood Howdy correctly, this does not work well, so I think there is limited interest in this, even if guests will get a gift.
For me personally, I have to say that watching old (and sometimes really ugly) men fucking young girls does have absolutely nothing erotic for me. In fact, if I see this, most of the time the girl having sex with this men is out of the game for the day, because I have pictures in my mind I do not like... We should face it, most of the men in the clubs does not look like the guys in the (better) porn movies.

Nevertheless, the club can try this, if they like. They do not risk to much, because the days in the beginning of the week are usually no busy days.
Eddy could also try to make some more money by establishing a "gay day" or similar. Question is for me, if "normal" guests, who just want to spend a nice time and fuck a girl without "theme" at such a day, will get irritated if the club present itself different every second day.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
As usual this idea is not born somewhere else than in this board. The "club" has so many things to do with daily work, that they dont really have time or breath to think about things like this. While today most people are just consume, it it up to us forum´s citizens... if we establish a porn tuesday or a porn film or what ever.
As usual this idea is not born somewhere else than in this board. The "club" has so many things to do with daily work, that they dont really have time or breath to think about things like this. While today most people are just consume, it it up to us forum´s citizens... if we establish a porn tuesday or a porn film or what ever.

I think I have to agree with Sailor's previous comment that some public action might not be all too erotic, depending on the looks of the men ( definitely not depending on the looks of the girls, because that's never a problem in Babylon :-) ). That said, I would still prefer watching some real action ( even with a somewhat less stunning stud, like myself ;-) ;-) :-) ) over a porn movie ( with those unrealistic stallions ;-( ).

On the other hand, Admin is right when saying that it's up to the forum's citizens to e.g. make Tuesday "de facto" e.g. a public action day.
But, the porn film idea sounds like a nice idea to me, where somebody - maybe even a "colleague" of the girl that one is having a session with - can film (part of) a session so that one can keep this as a souvenir of his session when going back home.

That would be a nice trio, just a slightly different type of trio :-) :-) : A girl for the sex session & another girl as the girl's camera woman.

So before having a session with a girl you'd be able to ask her whether she also has a camera girl ( could even be listed in this forum :-) ) and ask the girl to bring her her camera girl along for recording (part of) the session.

I just fear that most of the girls would not like to be filmed during the session, but maybe they can wear a good looking mask ( like in the movie "eyes wide shut" ) and her camera girl can also make sure that the girl's face can't be seen in the recording ( depending on what the girls agree upon )

Hmm, just an idea... we'll see what other forum visitors ( and of course the girls too ) think of this ( or whether I'm the only one with this "strange" idea :-) :-) )