As usual this idea is not born somewhere else than in this board. The "club" has so many things to do with daily work, that they dont really have time or breath to think about things like this. While today most people are just consume, it it up to us forum´s citizens... if we establish a porn tuesday or a porn film or what ever.
I think I have to agree with Sailor's previous comment that some public action might not be all too erotic, depending on the looks of the men ( definitely not depending on the looks of the girls, because that's never a problem in Babylon :-) ). That said, I would still prefer watching some real action ( even with a somewhat less stunning stud, like myself ;-) ;-) :-) ) over a porn movie ( with those unrealistic stallions ;-( ).
On the other hand, Admin is right when saying that it's up to the forum's citizens to e.g. make Tuesday "de facto" e.g. a public action day.
But, the porn film idea sounds like a nice idea to me, where somebody - maybe even a "colleague" of the girl that one is having a session with - can film (part of) a session so that one can keep this as a souvenir of his session when going back home.
That would be a nice trio, just a slightly different type of trio :-) :-) : A girl for the sex session & another girl as the girl's camera woman.
So before having a session with a girl you'd be able to ask her whether she also has a camera girl ( could even be listed in this forum :-) ) and ask the girl to bring her her camera girl along for recording (part of) the session.
I just fear that most of the girls would not like to be filmed during the session, but maybe they can wear a good looking mask ( like in the movie "eyes wide shut" ) and her camera girl can also make sure that the girl's face can't be seen in the recording ( depending on what the girls agree upon )
Hmm, just an idea... we'll see what other forum visitors ( and of course the girls too ) think of this ( or whether I'm the only one with this "strange" idea :-) :-) )