• Um Kenner mit Zugriff auf den inneren Bereich zu sein, einfach alle paar Wochen einen Bericht mit mehr als 100 Wörtern schreiben!

en The end of the Bab summer

Celebrating the end of a great summer in in this great club was a good idea, wasn't it?

Even though I could only spend the early afternoon in the home of the beauties, I decided to go for it. Fortunately nobody is born on October 19 so that there was no queue checking in for a birthday, unlike two weeks ago!

While I was having lunch I noticed that there were several options all around me. But unfortunately Naomi already had company, Denisa was rushing around being busy, for reasons unknown Michaela unexpectedly turned her back on me a couple of weeks ago and ignores my presence ever since, Daisy wanted to wait a little while as she only just got in and, worst of all, the good fairy Alexis only showed up when I was on my way out!

So I spent my time with two girls that were sitting in the back. They were kind and tried to cheer me up but it only worked to some extend as they did not kiss. After all that is why they spend hours waiting for company.
The good parts were that even this day you could lie outside in the sun and that Tina was the one to let you in and wave you out.

Well, not every day is a Sunday. And autumn is another promising season ;-).