• Um Kenner mit Zugriff auf den inneren Bereich zu sein, einfach alle paar Wochen einen Bericht mit mehr als 100 Wörtern schreiben!


  1. I

    August - Double Adventure

    Hello, 2 times in Babylon in August, Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 30. The pool is great and I can not wait until the rest of the outdoor area is finished, especially for jacuzzi, I really miss it. A bar in the outdoor area is very appreciated (at least for me). Thanks to the staff (Tina, Renate...
  2. J

    Chanel - an authentic girlfriend experience

    Much better than the reports above indicate. Maybe we just hit it off better, maybe she liked me, maybe she has improved!
  3. Cherry im Babylon

    Archiv Cherry im Babylon

    Cherry im Saunaclub Babylon