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Ánd what shall the poor girl wear
To all tomorrow's parties?
A sleeve of tats from who knows where
To all tomorrows parties
Over the last 18 months or so I have got to really enjoy visiting Babylon. The surroundings are comfortable, the food is reasonable, and you can get a few beers, including...
Club Laluna in Moers
Kleiner Saunaclub in der Moerser Innenstadt. Über die Autobahnen A40, A42 oder A57 gut zu erreichen. Tagsüber und Abends etwa 5-10 internationale Damen (primär aus Rumänien).
Getränke, Snacks, Sauna. Eintritt: 20 Euro (Stand:3/18).
An Allerheiligen habe ich erneut das Babylon besucht...doch schon die Anfahrt war alles andere als heilig, da ein Spassvogel auf die Idee kam, zwei Spuren auf der A4 zwischen Frechen und Kerpen zu sperren. Meine Flüche im Stau waren dann auch von ein paar ziemlich unheiligen Wörtern begleitet...
Saunaclub Babylon in Elsdorf
Gut besuchter FKK-Club zwischen Aachen und Köln, gut erreichbar über A61 und A4. An starken Tagen Mi-Sa bis zu 55 Frauen vor Ort, So bis Di ist es ruhiger. Gute Außendarstellung mit Forenbetreuung und regelmäßigen Bildern. Highlights: Eigene Küche, gutes Essen...
Club Deja Vu in Brilon - die Erotikadresse in Willingen im Sauerland
Erotikclub, Table Dance & Saunaclub der besonderen Art in Willingen für Partygäste und Sexbegeisterte im Sauerland. Hier gibt es Mottotage, Mottozimmer und unterschiedliche Preismodelle.
WC Football, perfect timing for a clubtour through NRW, 2 visits in Babylon (like I did in 2016). First visit on a wednesday, second visit on a saturday. Entryfee still 60 Euro, wellnessarea and gardenarea improved but unfortunately the weatherconditions were not advantageous. The showerarea...
Airport Girls in Berlin Schönefeld
Kleiner Saunaclub und Pauschalclub sowie Privatempfang in Berlin Schöneberg Nähe Flughafen. Man kann die Damen einzeln in einer Suite treffen (50 pro halbe Stunde) oder je nach Tageszeit und Wochentag für pauschal 60, 80 oder 100 Euro seinen Aufenthalt genießen.
Tutti Frutti in Alfter bei Bonn, nicht weit von Köln
Mittelgroßer Saunaclub in der Nähe von Bonn. Über die A555/A565/B56 gut zu erreichen. Tagsüber und Abends etwa 10-30 internationale Damen, die zum Teil animieren. Getränke, Büffet ganztägig. Wellness, Kino, Raucherterrasse, TV. Eintritt...
2 times in Babylon in August,
Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 30.
The pool is great and I can not wait until the rest of the outdoor area is finished, especially for jacuzzi, I really miss it.
A bar in the outdoor area is very appreciated (at least for me).
Thanks to the staff (Tina, Renate...
With an idea and support from Albert,
Do you want to make one night with ONLY black girls in the club roaster?
No white girls have been working this night at the club.
Mine is just an experiment, just to see.
NB The club has only 30 black pearls to find for this...
:13:Too soft sex. Excuse me my dear Millhouse and Sailor, but Cosmina :13:cannot compete in the “A” Team of Babylon. For me she’s in third division...I joke:cool2:...But I can understand we are bewitched by a girl as I am with some of them (read my posts...). And a girl had sometimes a club of...
Hello everybody, i am new here, i am interresting to go in Saunaclub Babylon but i have a question :
It's a partytreff? so i just have to pay the entrance ( 60 euros? ) and i can have sex with all girls all times i want?
Thanks for help guys.
The ladies inclinations sometimes include "Rauchen"as an attribute. To me as a non-smoker this is a negative point. I don't much enjoy ashtray mouths, and can appreciate why non-smoking girls may be reluctant to kiss heavy smokers.
I'm guessing that "Rauchen" is not shown for every girl that...
Visit on Saturday 23.4
Arrived around 3 PM, I find a smaller club than usual.The part with the bar is not accessible. A new bar should be ready on Thursday or Friday.
The area for the lunch is thus much quieter than usual since the activity was concentrated in the other room.
It reminded me of...
I visited Babylon twice last month, 60E entry on both occasions, a bit pricy in my opinion. I checked the list of girls, quite correct on both vistíts, just 4 or 5 girls which did not show up. On a weekday around 20 girls max, on saturday around 30 or so...Compared to end of 2015 certainly less...
Anna - jung hooker with a perfect body in Babylon
She´s quite an attractive girl, GND-type with a nice smile, at least when she´s not sitting around like most girls while it´s basically very quiet on weekdays in babylon unfortunately...
Her serviceskills are quite weak...
DFK: ok but without...