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Hello everybody, i am new here, i am interresting to go in Saunaclub Babylon but i have a question :
It's a partytreff? so i just have to pay the entrance ( 60 euros? ) and i can have sex with all girls all times i want?
Thanks for help guys.
The ladies inclinations sometimes include "Rauchen"as an attribute. To me as a non-smoker this is a negative point. I don't much enjoy ashtray mouths, and can appreciate why non-smoking girls may be reluctant to kiss heavy smokers.
I'm guessing that "Rauchen" is not shown for every girl that...
Good morning,
A newbie question. The forum start page has picture links to only some ladies, today I count 28. Is there any particular reason why not all have links.
The Anwesenheit page for this woche has maximum 30 present on Samstag, including Claudia who is present this week...