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Manuela Better (* 11. November 1960 in München) ist eine deutsche Risiko- und Restrukturierungsexpertin im Finanzsektor und war von 2010 bis 2014 Vorstandsvorsitzende der Hypo Real Estate Holding AG.

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  1. J

    en Chanel - an authentic girlfriend experience

    Much better than the reports above indicate. Maybe we just hit it off better, maybe she liked me, maybe she has improved!
  2. B

    en what is a partytreff ?

    Hello everybody, i am new here, i am interresting to go in Saunaclub Babylon but i have a question : It's a partytreff? so i just have to pay the entrance ( 60 euros? ) and i can have sex with all girls all times i want? Thanks for help guys.
  3. Admin

    en Dolli - great potential anyway

    Info from our voting-script.
  4. G

    2 visits: 1 impression

    I visited Babylon twice last month, 60E entry on both occasions, a bit pricy in my opinion. I checked the list of girls, quite correct on both vistíts, just 4 or 5 girls which did not show up. On a weekday around 20 girls max, on saturday around 30 or so...Compared to end of 2015 certainly less...