• Um Kenner mit Zugriff auf den inneren Bereich zu sein, einfach alle paar Wochen einen Bericht mit mehr als 100 Wörtern schreiben!


Edmond François Valentin About (* 14. Februar 1828 in Dieuze; † 16. Januar 1885 in Paris) war ein französischer Schriftsteller.

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  1. J

    en Chanel - an authentic girlfriend experience

    Much better than the reports above indicate. Maybe we just hit it off better, maybe she liked me, maybe she has improved!
  2. Admin

    en English descriptions?

    Finally we start to write descriptions for every girl with the help of some of our good guests. Now we think about to have such descriptions in English also. My English is enough to survive in NY or Ukraine, but not to translate the german descriptions of our ladies here. If you want to be one...
  3. L

    en Cosmina

    :13:Too soft sex. Excuse me my dear Millhouse and Sailor, but Cosmina :13:cannot compete in the “A” Team of Babylon. For me she’s in third division...I joke:cool2:...But I can understand we are bewitched by a girl as I am with some of them (read my posts...). And a girl had sometimes a club of...
  4. L

    en Violetta - perfect polish bitch in Saunaclub Babylon near Cologne

    Violetta - perfect polish bitch in Saunaclub Babylon near Cologne A new one and a new star! Violetta is very cute for social time and it is right she speaks several foreign languages. This sex lady is smart and intelligent. In room, she delivers a top service with fantasies and creative action...
  5. L

    en Eugenia (Ex Eva)

    In the Team “B” She fucks in the second division of Babylon. Or in the team "B", not in the top 10. We would like that she takes so much pleasure to fiddle with the cock of her customers whom she has with the bar of dance where she is really good. Confuses Babylon with Lido:D. It is not because...